Established in 1963 by Attar family in Beirut, the Steel Company, originally known as Samir Attar Stores, marked the genesis of a legacy. Today, by adjusting to market dynamics, Attar Metal Industries emerges as a beacon of modernity and excellence. Founded in 2020 by Mr. Ahmad Samir Attar in Bekaa/Lebanon, we stand as a testament to innovation and flexibility in metal manufacturing.
Attar Metal Industries proudly stands as the premier manufacturer in the Middle East, offering a diverse range of expanded and perforated metal coils and sheets, decorative sheets, rolling shutters, pipes and tubes, and solar panel structures. Our exclusive trademark, steel, expresses our commitment to quality and craftsmanship. We always make sure to serve our clients to their various needs with precision and expertise.
Unleashing Innovation, Quality, and Expertise in Every Metal Product
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